Milton Keynes NHS - Case Study

Milton Keynes NHS - Case Study

Milton Keynes NHS choose CS Time from Clocking Systems

Why were you looking for a time and attendance system?

When I arrived in the department, I could see that the process of preparing the payroll was extremely time consuming, inefficient and paper based. There was a quadruple handling of data in the chain, from employees filling in their time sheets, to supervisors checking them, passing them through to clerical staff to type on to spread sheets and finally on to the payroll department to type into payroll. With so many people involved, handling so much data, inevitably errors were occurring and vast amounts of manual time was being spent preparing it. Over 75% of my budget is labour cost and this needed controlling more accurately.

Why did you choose Clocking Systems to supply the system?

I had looked at many e-rostering systems with time and attendance functionality, but found them to be extremely expensive and the inevitable customisation of reports would have been an on-going and additional cost. We did try a time and attendance system provided by a local company, but it was quickly rejected due to its lack of flexibility, limited functionality and poor support.

We decided on Clocking Systems as they could provide exactly what we were looking for and showed us some additional features that we could really benefit from using. The software demonstrated was extremely simple to use and extract reports from, which was important as we have many people that needed to use the system with varying degrees of PC skills. The quote was extremely competitive and included a full installation and training package.

What benefits has the solution offered your business?

Since installing the system, we have realised many benefits. Actually, more that originally anticipated in fact. Firstly, the manual work involved in the payroll process has been all but eliminated; we are saving 5 managers one day per week each. This is allowing them to get on with more important work than number crunching, and increases overall efficiency within the department.

What about the after sales service and support?

Clocking systems have been extremely professional and helpful throughout the whole process, we provided them with the information needed to set the system up initially then worked with their support staff to fine tune our complex working rules and reports. When we have questions or queries, they simply dial into our system and problems are resolved extremely quickly.

Helen Bagby | NHS - Milton Keynes Hospital

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