NHS - Case Study - ClockingSystems

NHS - Case Study

NHS is a comprehensive public-health service of the UK

Industry: Healthcare

Q. Why were you looking for a time and attendance system?

When I arrived in the department, I could see that the process of preparing the payroll was extremely time consuming and inefficient and paper based. There was a quadruple handling of data in the chain, from employees filling in their time sheets, to supervisors checking them, passing them through to clerical staff to type on to spread sheets and finally on to the payroll department to type into payroll.

Q. What benefits has the solution offered your business?

Since installing the system, we have realised many benefits. In fact, more than originally anticipated. Firstly, the manual work involved in the payroll process has been all but eliminated; we are saving 5 managers one day per week each. This is allowing them to get on with more important work than number crunching, and increases overall efficiency within the department.

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